Though there have been studies on the best time to publish blog posts, there isn’t a hard rule on the best time to write your posts. Everyone seems to have their own way of writing quality blog posts–especially during National Blog Posting Month where you try to post every day of the week. 

(Psst, if you need some help with that, sign up for our motivational emails!)

Figuring out what time of day you blog best is incredibly important to consistently create content, even if you aren’t blogging every day. To help you figure out the best time YOU should create content, we thought we’d ask some Shareaholic Bloggers participating in our NaBloPoMo festivities about when they blog best and give you some insight on how we blog at Shareaholic as well.

Stacy Stevens

I blog best either early in the morning or late at night! If I get up a good hour before the rest of the family, I can tap into my coffee pot and  my creativity without interruptions! Blogging in the evening is also great for me. Once dinner is done and the house has settled down, I can sit and recap the day’s events and come up with some helpful tips for my team and my readers!

Verdict: Both!

Keep up with Stacy on her blog and Twitter account.

Jenn Shurkus

I personally blog better later in the day because I am more creative early to late evening. When it comes to blogging, I try my best to set aside some evenings to write up blog posts (or create in my studio). That being said, after a long day at work, it is hard sometimes to get into the creative mindset. When I get home after my commute, I sometimes want to just relax and decompress. On the flip side, I can usually put on comfy clothes, work in the quiet of my apartment and really think through my next post or idea for my blog.

Verdict: Night.

Be sure check out Jenn’s blog and follow her on Twitter.

Erin Nichols

I’ve honestly written posts at all times of the day from the insomniac fueled middle of the night, mid-day in my office, post dinner, and pre-coffee. For me the time of day that I write isn’t as important as having something actually needing to be written. It appears that I’ve never really weaned myself from my old college habits of being completely incapable of writing essays and papers unless there was a high level of anxiety and a looming deadline hovering over my head. To that end though I suppose I do most of my photo editing and post creation in the hours between 6 and 11:00 PM.

I suppose one of the best things about working in the evening is that I find it much easier to concentrate and focus. The allure of procrastination traps like Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest are more easily avoided and my emails aren’t nearly as tempting to peek at. The draw back to working later in the evening is that using my computer totally winds me up so I always need to take at least 30 minutes (but preferably an hour) to just unplug in bed with an honest to goodness book or my Kindle.

Verdict: Night.

See what Erin creates at night on her blog and Twitter account

Denise Garratt

I like blogging best late at night–it could be as early as 10 pm. but it’s usually closer to 11 p.m. and sometimes spans into the wee hours of the morning. The best thing about blogging at odd hours is that it’s uninterrupted time and I can truly relax. My sons are both in college so we don’t have as much family time as we used to. Blogging late gives me the best of both worlds. I’m guilt-free at all times. The worst part is that I also work full time and I know I should be getting more sleep, but I’m willing to do whatever it takes!

Verdict: Night.

Definitely check out Denise’s blog and Twitter account for more!

Blogging at Shareaholic


Both Janet and I agree that we blog best in the morning. Some of my best posts have come from sitting on my couch at 4:30 a.m. with 1-2 giant hot cups of coffee–in Janet’s case, she’s accompanied by her giant Hello Kitty pillow (see the above pictures for proof). To help get the creative juice flowing in the morning, we both rely on our company’s editorial calendar and a solid post outline. With a plan in place, we don’t have to worry about thinking of a topic and structure for the post–all we have to do is start writing!

Verdict: Morning.

When Should You Blog?

Ultimately, finding the best time to blog is a personal preference. To help you make a decision, here are a few things to consider:

  1. In the morning, pretty much nothing else goes on at this time. There are no plans with your friends, calls with your family or last minute work engagements that crop up–just you and your computer.
  2. By writing in the morning, you can start the day feeling accomplished. Let’s be honest–knocking out a 700-word blog post before sunrise feels amazing.
  3. By writing at night, you can use blogging as a cathartic way to digest your day. You can tap into your work, family interactions or current events from that day as inspiration because they will still be fresh in your mind.
  4. At night, you won’t be distracted by an impending to-do list for the rest of day. The only thing that happens after writing is sleep!

Enough from us…we want to hear from you! When do you feel motivated and inspired? What time of day do you write your knockout posts? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

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