Shareaholic publisher Saving for Someday is a blog born out of a list that author Sara started when she was a child. With dreams of doing things ‘someday’, Sara wrote down all kinds of things that, unfortunately, ended up taking a back seat to grad school, work, marriage, family and the everyday busy-ness of life.  Her blog is a place for ideas about saving and encouragement to stop wishing and start doing.

Here is Sara’s story, along with some blogging tips just for you:

How did you get started with

Having been online since the mid 90s, I was felt something was missing after I became a mom. SavingForSomeday was born out of the realization that I stopped doing for me and was doing for everyone else. I told my husband I wanted to start a website and he said ‘Then do it now!’. I couldn’t argue with that type of enthusiasm.

You blog a lot! How do you come up with fresh ideas?

A lot of my ideas are floating around in my head. They’re thoughts about my experiences, things I’ve learned from my elders as well as ideas I’m discovering as I continue on a path of self-discovery.

What do you know now about blogging and social media that you wish knew “back then?”

I know so much more about ‘the little things’ — SEO, keywords, backlinks, affiliate marketing, social media time cycles. I wish I’d known not to stress so much about everything not being perfect, not comparing my new site to that of established bloggers.

How do you promote your blog?

Other than through my Facebook page and Twitter, I don’t really promote my blog. And even on those platforms I don’t really promote it in the true marketing sense. I’ve developed my following very organically, by commenting on blogs I like, offering help to people I follow on Twitter, attending blogging conferences and meeting people.

What advice do you have for those just getting started blogging?

My advice is to be patient and know why you started blogging. If you’re blogging to make money your choices are going to be different than if you’re blogging to share something you’re passionate about, connect with similar/like-minded people or to just have a little piece of real estate in the virtual world. Be honest with yourself and stay true to who you are.

Do you have any blogging tips you’d like to share with the class? Let us know in the comments!

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