They say you should write what you know, and Dana LaRue is a prime example of this. Her popular wedding blog Broke Ass Bride is a product of her own journey planning a wedding on a budget.

Now she has a team of contributors and the support of advertisers who help her share budget-friendly wedding style tips with her audience. Here are Dana’s tips for new bloggers.

How did you get started with

I was newly engaged and totally broke, and while I was gaining a lot of inspiration from wedding blogs, I wasn’t able to find any that spoke to my perspective. So I started my own, mostly as a place to record my thoughts and ideas during the planning process, but also because I hoped some like-minded readers might find some benefit from me sharing my story.

How do you come up with blogging ideas?

I get ideas everywhere! In store windows, in television shows, when cooking dinner… nearly anything can be translated into wedding design inspiration! I also think about what’s going on in my life and try to imagine if it would be interesting or beneficial to my readers. I love to share personal trials and tribulations and get their own perspective in the comments. I’m also lucky to have a tremendous group of contributors who bring brilliant ideas to the table every week.

What is your favorite part about blogging?

I like connecting with and being challenged and inspired by like-minded readers, and building a community. Oh, and working in my pajamas is pretty rad, too. :)

What are your blogging goals for the future?

This year we’re launching a lifestyle site, with an aim to expand the brand to all areas of daily life, not just weddings. We also hope to do more videos!

What do you know now about blogging and social media that you wish knew “back then?” What advice do you have for beginners?

Building a community is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes dedication and persistence to get your name out there, and connect with the heavy-hitters in your niche. Listen to your audience and play to what they respond to most. But most of all, have fun! No one likes a blogger who takes themselves too seriously.

Thanks for the great advice, Dana!

What did you learn from Dana? What blogging tips do you have? Let us know in the comments.

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