A very big thank you to everyone who has taken the time to review the Shareaholic firefox add-on, and provided us with very useful feedback. Response thus far has been incredible!

We’re also grateful that the good folks over at Mozilla decided to include Shareaholic in Mozilla’s official add-on directory. Thanks guys!

Some early coverage:

mashable mozilla links stumbleupon lifespy
bloggingpro 30daychallenge firefoxfacts simplehelp

Today, based on user feedback, we’ve released an update which adds support for Twitter and Ma.gnolia. Also features a new context menu plus a number of other tweaks and fixes. Get the latest version here.


The information published on this blog is free for your use with appropriate attribution to Shareaholic. We welcome your feedback, suggestions, and questions. Please contact us. Additionally, all photos that appear on this site are copyrighted by their respective owners. If you own the rights to any of the images and do not wish for them to appear here please contact us and the images will be promptly removed.

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